Would you stop a mate from drinking and driving this Christmas?

Last year, police stopped more than 100,000 vehicles during the festive period. Out of these, 5,698 breath tests were either positive, failed or refused. It perhaps comes as no surprise then that forces across England and Wales are now running “intelligence-led” operations that target motorists who get behind the wheel whilst under the influence.

Road safety charity Brake is currently campaigning for zero tolerance of impaired driving with its most recent campaign, ‘Driving for Zero’. After decades of championing road safety and discouraging drink driving, one in eight road deaths still involves a driver over the limit.

Bryn Brooker, Head of Marketing at Nextbase said: “16% of Brits admit to driving whilst over the limit. This stat got us thinking – how many people would also admit to getting in a car as a passenger, knowing that the driver is over the limit?

“This Christmas we need to do more to ensure our roads are safe – that doesn’t just mean leaving your car at home before nipping to the pub, it also means refusing to be a silent accomplice.

“With more Dash Cams on the road than ever, we hope that this will encourage people to think twice this Christmas.”

Accessories you may need

Reflection-Free Lens


Series 2 Carry Case


Series 2 Hardwire Kit


64GB U3 Industrial Grade microSD Card


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