222X Dash Cam Support

Here you can find the latest 222X manual.
My Nextbase Player
Here is the latest version of the MyNextbase Player computer software.
Apps for your product
You can easily check what firmware version your Dash Cam currently has on the Dash Cam itself.
1) Turn the Dash Cam on
2) Stop it recording (by pressing the red square in the bottom left of the screen)
3) Go into Settings (the settings icon will show in the top left of the screen once a recording is stopped)
4) Go into Setup settings
5) Scroll across to ‘System Info’
6) Look at the Firmware number RXX.XX.
Then compare it to the Firmware number stated above.
If you intend on using Parking Mode on your camera, then we would instead recommend using a Hard Wire Kit, not the Cigarette Lighter Cable. The Hard Wire Kit will allow the camera to draw nominal current from the car's battery, preventing the cam's battery from being drained. The Hard Wire Kit has an in-built voltage cut off which protects the car's battery from being drained below 11.2V. We'd recommend using a Permanent Live fuse with Parking Mode enabled
If the Screen Saver is enabled on the camera, the camera's screen will turn off after 30 seconds of recording. The camera is still on and recording (indicated by the flashing red LED), it's just the screen that's been turned off (black). This is used by certain drivers to prevent distraction.
1) Turn the Dash Cam on
2) Stop it recording (by pressing the red circle button)
3) Go into Settings by pressing the MENU button twice.
4) Scroll down to ‘Screen Saver’
5) Enable/ disable the Screen Saver here
There's also a setting available called 'Speed Display'. This will allow the camera to act as above with Screen Saver, but instead of just a black screen, the vehicle's current speed will be displayed instead.
1) Turn the Dash Cam on
2) Stop it recording (by pressing the red circle button)
3) Go into Settings by pressing the MENU button twice.
4) Scroll down to ‘Screen Saver’
5) Select the Speed Display setting.
6) Enable/ disable the Speed Display here.
Updating the camera's firmware manually is a simple process. Please download and follow the below update guide.
This is symptomatic of an SD card failure.
Please check that your card is not larger than 128GB and has a minimum U3 class.
Please remove the SD card, then press the reset button on the underside of the Dash Cam. Then, without the SD card inserted, please turn on the Camera. Does it now start normally? If so, then the SD card has either failed due to lack of formatting or is not compatible for Dash Cam usage